Are you gonna eat that: The Pre-Sequel

thanks for using cohost! we ask everyone who uses cohost to follow a few rules to keep the site a healthy place to share stuff you care about.

if you think you can resolve a problem you’re having with someone’s behavior without getting the site staff involved, we encourage you to. this obviously saves us work, which we appreciate — but, more importantly, early interventions from someone’s friends and acquaintances are way more likely to actually fix someone’s bad behavior than letting it fester until we need to step in. that said, please get in touch with us if you think it’s something you can’t deal with.

violations of these guidelines can be reported to site staff by clicking the report button on any post, comment, or profile. the report button is located within the menu represented by three dots next to the post, comment, or profile in question. we highly encourage you to use this reporting system, but if you need to contact us about something else, you can do so at

site staff reserves the right to take whatever action deemed necessary if these guidelines are violated, including but not limited to: warnings, temporary suspension, and site bans. all potential violations are manually reviewed by a human being; we do not use any automated systems to take disciplinary action, although we may use automated tooling to help detect certain violations.

all enforcement decisions can be appealed by replying to the enforcement notice, which you will receive at the email you have listed in your account.

we reserve the right to amend these guidelines in the future, and we will provide you with notice when we do. conversely, behaviors which are not listed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the staff; we reserve the right to address misbehavior or abuse which is not covered by this list.

abuse and harassment


site integrity

other prohibited content

ai-generated content

additionally, you may not:

18+ content

we consider the following things to be 18+ content which should only be accessible to users 18 and over:

for the purposes of this policy, we refer to content which isn’t 18+ content as all-ages.

please do not post 18+ content in the following places:

registered users who are under the age of 18 are unable to see posts which are marked 18+ content; unregistered users must attest that they’re over the age of 18 before viewing it. users over the age of 18 can also choose to hide 18+ content behind a click-through by default, to prevent it from unexpectedly appearing on their screen in public. if you often post 18+ content from a particular page, you can set it as an 18+ content page to have its new posts marked as 18+ content by default to avoid mistakes; even so, you can still mark individual posts from that page as all-ages.

fictional 18+ content featuring minors

content warnings

cohost allows for creators to provide content warnings for posts containing sensitive content.

for most sensitive content, content warnings are optional but strongly recommended. the staff reserves the right to add or modify content warnings on posts without them, but in most cases we won’t lock or ban you for forgetting them.

sensitive content includes but is not limited to:

however, there is a list of content warnings that we consider to be mandatory (”mandatory content warnings”) on posts which are described by them; the site automatically behaves differently for these in the following ways:

the list of mandatory content warnings can be found on our support site.

if your post calls for any content warning included in this list, you MUST include a content warning. if you accidentally forget to include a mandatory content warning, we’ll go in and add it for you and remind you to be more careful. however, repeatedly failing to add mandatory content warnings, or intentionally attempting to circumvent the site filters (”n0nc0n”), is entirely prohibited and punishable with a ban.

behaviors to avoid

we discourage you from taking these actions, but once-off doing so does not necessarily warrant an instant warning or punishment. Repeated or severe violations will still be dealt with accordingly.

missing stair policy

there is value in being in the same place as everyone, but this value quickly diminishes when assholes crash the party.

in addition to the guidelines above, cohost reserves the right to remove anyone for reasons outside the rules under certain conditions. You may be banned from cohost if you are frequently reported for or found to be shitstirring, getting into arguments, or otherwise being routinely unpleasant to others.

this doesn’t mean you can’t get into an argument, say a snide remark, or get fired up about something. it does mean that if it becomes a habit you may face consequences. at first, we will offer warnings. actions taken will escalate from there if insufficient.

we still encourage you to use first-line responses, such as blocking, if someone is being disruptive. however, if you believe another user is demonstrating a pattern of being a pain in the ass, please send in a report.

it is not our intention to excessively police the tone of users, nor ignore the context in which things are said. when someone speaks out against injustice or wrongdoing, broadly or specifically, it is common for people to retaliate by attacking that person’s tone. as such, any policy seeking to root out assholes can be easily weaponized against marginalized people. applications of this policy will be context-dependent judgment calls with this in mind; we will take both the context of the conversation and the broader dynamics at play into account.

if you have questions about anything listed here, please email us at and we’ll do our best to help!